Friday, July 20, 2012

Dog Training Made Easy Using These Tips!

If you are absolutely clueless about beginning a training program for your dog, you're in luck. By looking for answers, you have taken the very first step. This article will provide you with that information and help you learn how to train your dog.
Use positive reinforcement rather than treats when training your dog. It does work to give dogs treats for good behavior. However, it's unlikely that you will carry treats around every single day for the rest of your dog's life. Replace treats with praise or physical attention, like petting your dog to reward desired behaviors.
You cannot rush through the training process. Puppies have short attention spans, therefore keep your sessions short and provide ample amounts of praise. If you overdo it, he is likely to forget everything he learned and simply remember the experience in an unfavorable light, making it that much harder for you the next time you attempt the training.
A training program that pushes the limits of a dog's attention and endurance is not likely to produce good results. Puppies have a very limited attention span. When doing training, make them in small short sessions and always make them positive. He'll likely forget everything you taught him if you do too much at once. He will also look at training as a negative experience and it will be harder next time.
Remember to enjoy the time spent with your dog during training. Your dog will bond with you the more fun you have together, and this helps the dog give a positive response. Although training itself is fun, it is good to spend time each day just playing with your dog because you can.
If you catch your puppy chewing on something he isn't suppose to be chewing, stop him immediately. This teaches your puppy what is acceptable to chew, making it less likely that he will chew your belongings when you are not able to watch him closely.
Use your dog's name all the time, this will help focus him. Use it as often as possible when you have your puppy during the first weeks, the puppy will make the connection. For best results, the dog's name should be short and not sound like any other word in the English language.
If you catch your puppy chewing on something he isn't suppose to be chewing, stop him immediately. This teaches your puppy what is acceptable to chew, making it less likely that he will chew your belongings when you are not able to watch him closely.
When training your dog never punish him; doing so will only make him be resistant to any further training. You should take steps to help your pet avoid bad behavior, but if he makes a mistake help him understand correct actions. Build a positive relationship with your dog during the training process.
You should use positive motivation when you are training your dog. Give your dog frequent rewards for his obedience. Using negative reactions and punishment don't work and they will cause your dog to fear you.
Resist the tug of sympathy and avoid using a harness rather than the much more effective collars with cinching features. If you use a harness and a collar together, you can show your dog how to behave when he is only wearing the harness.
While some dogs train well together, it depends entirely on each pup's personality; training two dogs simultaneously may prove impossible. If your dogs do not focus on you properly when you train them together, you may want to separate them and give them some individual attention before trying to work with them jointly.
Try training a dog to clench a plush toy in his mouth. Every time he successfully holds onto the toy with his mouth, hit the clicker and proceed by giving him a treat. After this is done a few times, watch and wait for your dog to put the toy inside his mouth. After has has done this, you should click and promptly give a reward. After this, you should only reward your dog after he holds the toy in his mouth.
This understanding of how dogs think and process information is vital to training them. It can also make dog training more effective. After understanding more about how different dogs think, the training process becomes much easier.

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